
Periscope APK

Periscope APK Latest Version

December 14, 2017

There is latest version Periscope APK 1.18.1 which has better performance. This is the free app that now you can download this in the play store. It is begin from the app for the iOS, but now the expert has…

CM Security Antivirus AppLock APK

CM Security Antivirus AppLock APK Latest Version

December 11, 2017

CM Security Antivirus AppLock APK has been updated to 4.3.2. Indeed, it has been something usual if we ever get viruses in our devices, like Android, laptop, tablet, etc. However, viruses are not something you should let be easily. If…

Path APK

Path APK Latest Version

December 8, 2017

Path APK 6.7.0 has been released, this is one of the simplest social networking available for your Android device. This app is specially designed for you so that you can be closer with your closest family, your best friends, and…

Chrome Browser APK

Chrome Browser APK Latest Version

December 8, 2017

Chrome Browser APK has been updated to 63.0.3239.83. This is the best browser you can get for your Android device. This browser by Google is now available in each and every Android device you purchase. There are so many advantages…


Kik APK Latest Version

December 8, 2017

Kik APK is available for you to be downloaded for free. There are so many apps that offered to you to connect with other friends. You must be familiar with Whatsapp, BBM, Skype, Line and some other apps. Now,…